International in Kenya is looking for experienced and highly motivated
individuals who are results-oriented to fill the following positions:
Grants Officer - Global Fund HIV Program
Ref: (GO/10/2011
2 Positions
Department/Project: Global Fund
Supervisor: Grants Coordinator
Location/Duty Station: Nairobi
Grade: F
Job Summary & Purpose:
The Grants Officer (s) shall report to Grants Coordinator, Global Fund Round 7,
He/She shall get day to day grants management and technical support from the
line manager while working closely with peer level program officers and grants
accountants; shall get day to day management support from program and program
support units to support effective administration functions of the Grants
Officer position.
The Grants Officer (s) shall keep the Program team (Grants Coordinator, Program
Quality Coordinator and Program Manager) informed of all processes and procedures
related to grants performance.
The purpose of the Grants Officer (s) position is to support the Grants
Coordinator in managing and coordinating all financial aspects of the program
to ensure there is optimal compliance with contract obligations.
In order to achieve this, the Grants Officer (s),
- shall
support the finalization and operationalization of the program grants
management systems and cycles;
- specifically
the GF sub grants and GF operational manuals, CARE Kenya financial systems
and CARE Kenya Operational manuals, support interpretation and enforcement
of all contract obligations in sub recipient contracts,TA and operational
- provide
on going support and supervision to sub recipients to comply with standard
contract clauses to enhance compliance,
- provide
technical advise on financial, grants and governance management components
during field technical support visits while also implementing technical
and capacity building on financial systems strengthening, to ensure sub
contractor systems are supportive to GF contract compliance;
- identify
risks to contract compliance and inform management on timely basis.
need be, the grants officers shall support the setting up of grants management
systems for sub recipients.
The grants officer (s) shall support the Grants Coordinator in developing
grants portfolio performance reports with a view to monitoring and ensuring
that CARE and contractor budgets are effectively and timely utilized as per
program work plan(Service Delivery Area (SDA) and targets, review sub
recipients financial reports submitted against program targets and sub
reciepient contract provisions in consultation with project officers; and
support preparation of annual sub recipients and PR GF Program audits.
The Grants Officers shall support the Grants Coordinator in operationalizing
sub recipient contracts to ensure that they are in harmony with the GF contract
conditions; and CAREs sub grants policies and operational manuals, capture
grants conditionalities as per sub recipient assessment reports and ensure that
the program complies to statutory obligations.
The grants officers shall support sub reciepients interaction with CAREs
operational systems to reduce bottlenecks to grants flow, compliance and
reporting. The grants officers shall support the Grants Coordinator in timely
preparation of CAREs requests for funds disbursement in line with grants
timelines, ensure that sub reciepients prepare timely requests, ensure timely
flow of disbursements to sub recipients and contractors, ensure timely
preparation of funds utilization reports per recipients and support timely
consolidation of financial and program reporting for funds allocated,
disbursed, utilized and accounted for; support the review and
operationalization of tools for financial requests, documentation and reporting
to ensure that funds are reconciled on a monthly basis and as at reporting
schedules as stipulated in contracts, enhance team work within the GF unit,
CARE program and program support units and enhance and strengthen partnerships
and synergies within the GF program partners in the country.
He/she will work closely with the program officers to support adherance to all
financial contract compliance aspects by ensuring that funds are clearly
programed and that targets are clearly costed and contracted by supporting sub
recipients development and review of budgets to ensure harmony with program
performance targets, (financial and program targets),work plan per required
timelines, funds utilization is adequately documented, accounted for, reported
and cleared.
A key indicator of success of the position will be the realization of full
contract compliance per sub recipient; that targets contracted and financed per
service delivery area and operational areas are fully accounted for within the
program period under which they are utilized; and that the program is cleared
in all audits to the PR and SR.
Tasks and responsibilities.
R 1: Global Fund Rd 7 Program Grants and Contract and Compliance
With Technical support from Grants Coordinator, coordinate all sub recipients
(allocated to your supervision) program financial compliance to ensure optimal
performance of the phase 1 performance based contract including and not limited
1. Sub recipients Grants Coordination and Contract compliance
enforcement and coordination by;-
1.1. Support the grants coordinator in the review and finalization of
the program grants management systems and cycles notably; review the sub
recipients accounting manual, GF operational manual and M&E framework and
ensure to provide feedback on indicators for grants compliance and tracking
1.2. Develop specific sub recipients grants and contract management work
plan and (sub sets of the work plan) and share these with the Grants Coordinator,
for review and consolidation for use in preparing the PMF(Project Monitoring
Folder) and in doing so identifying and lifting core contract components per
sub recipient and mechanisms for supporting sub recipients implementation of
the same.
Work with sub recipients to ensure the internalization of contractual clauses
(standards and conditions), support their development of actions (work plan)
for implementing conditions in the grant agreement and jointly identify
indicators for results of tracking conditions by dates, support partners
identification of partners and provide CAREs support required to support these
components and working with them as appropriate to ensure conditions are met as
per GF requirements.
Develop reports and share with grants coordinator and Program manager
highlighting risks and challenges foreseen on contract compliance.
1.3. As per 1.2. above, sharing these with the Grants coordinator for
review and approval as the components that require management oversight and
actions and review these on a weekly basis (or as per specific sub recipient
conditions) with milestones indicated on progress towards meeting the
contractual obligations.
1.4. Support grants manager in developing grants and contract management
work plan for the program by ensuring that all conditions and standard
provisions have been identified and partners grants and contract management
plans have been taken on board (as per 1.2. above)
1.5. Support the grants coordinator in the interpretation of
institutional assessment reports with a view to develop conditions per sub
recipient and ensure that they are captured in sub recipient contracts with
clear timelines for meeting them and and provisions for non compliance
1.6. In liaison with the program officers and upon development of work
plans and budgets, timely prepare sub recipient contracts taking on board
conditions of institutional assessments, GF standard conditions as interpreted
by the grants coordinator and as per the CARE GF contract are well articulated
per sub recipient contracts. Ensure the contracts are reviewed by grants
1.7. Coordinating sub recipients compliance to VAT conditions in the GF
contract by supporting the grants coordinator in drafting requests for VAT
exceptions with the Government of Kenya, and following up to ensuring that
conditions to VAT refunds are made per receipts or as shall be advised upon
CAREs follow up on VAT exceptions.
Ensure that partners processes for VAT compliance are documented and management
minutes on such VAT discussions are fully documented and shared per sub
recipient (or as the case shall be).
This shall involve working through the advise and technical support of the GF
grants coordinator and program officers designated per sub recipient organizations
and government departments (Ministry of Finance), NACC and other departments as
shall be guided by the enquiries and CAREs management.
1.8. Support the grants coordinator in developing indicators for
measuring compliance to sub contractor clauses (as per 1.5 and 1.6. above) and
in consultation with program officers and grants coordinator, ensure these are
consolidated by the program quality coordinator and lifted in sub recipient
field monitoring forms for use by the grants and program officers during field
supervision visits as shall be required from time to time
1.9. Develop in consultation with contact program officers field
monitoring work plans and share these for review by the grants coordinator and
program quality coordinator and upon approval of the program manager implement
these, with a view to strengthening sub recipients oversight, identification of
risks and taking actions to minimize risks to grants misappropriation.
1.10. Prepare field grants monitoring reports at least 3 days or earlier,
as the case may present, ensuring that you develop clear action points and
timelines for follow up after field supervision visits and share these with the
grants coordinator and program quality coordinator for review and further
1.11. Develop key points of lessons or challenges encountered during
grants coordination and administration and share these with the grants
coordinator for consideration while developing presentations for grants
management sessions
1.12. Proactively and timely identify financial and governance risks of
individual sub recipients and communicate these in writing to CAREs management
through the grants coordinator
1.13. Prepare, on a timely basis, requests for support from key
departments and individuals through the grants coordinator, matters related to
contract management and compliance and ensure timely follow up i.e. financial
reporting, funds transfer/disbursements, procurements, among others
1.14. Implement the GF operations manual, sub grants management,
financial and sub grants policies and procedures to ensure effective CAREs, sub
recipients and sub contractors compliance to terms and conditions as well as
systems and processes.
1.15. Support the grants coordinator and program manager to develop
funds disbursement requests to Global Fund
1.16. Develop sub recipients portfolio performance after undertaking
individual sub contractor reconciliations and identifying actions needed per
sub recipient and timely share these with the grants coordinator to consolidate
and develop grants portfolio performance on a on a monthly basis. Upon
decisions on actions required per sub recipient based on the portfolio
performance reports, develop action points for follow up, monitoring and
tracking while keeping the grants coordinator informed
1.17. Review individual sub recipients financial expense reports in
consultation and jointly with program officer in order to ensure harmony in
program targets achieved and funds utilization on a monthly basis and as often
as reports are submitted, provide feedback to contact program officer and
grants coordinator for actions that are required for onward communication and
follow up. To ensure optimal compliance, the reports must be reviewed against
contractual requirements and in line with budget provisions.
1.18. Provide technical capacity building for identified capacity
building needs during sessions (on-site or workshop sessions) for sub
recipients and staff on grants management to enhance grants compliance and
1.19. Support the grants coordinator in drafting management letters to
sub recipients and or addendums for review of contracts in time, upon
identification of needs and upon advise and request by the grants coordinator
and share these for review and approval by the program advisor (sector manager)
or CAREs management through the grants coordinator and the program manager
1.20. Document, file while referencing all correspondences by date and
per sub recipient and periodically review actions taken to ensure that that all
concerns raised in contracts, correspondences are well addressed and therefore
enhance optimal contract compliance.
1.21. Support the grants coordinator and the PM in the preparation,
review and production of program reports (inclusive of financial components)
1.22. Consolidate and share list of program assets inventory held by sub
recipients to grants coordinator for consolidation and ensuring reporting as
per donor requirements and CARE Kenya policies and regulations.
1.23. Support the grants coordinator and PM in preparation of PR annual
audits and lead the coordination of contact sub recipients annual audits in
consultation with grants coordinator and as shall be advised by the program
manager while ensuring provision of timely, accurate and authentic responses to
program audit queries
1.24. Support the GF program team in timely preparation of program
applications for phase 2
1.25. Support the grants manager in the development and
operationalization of program management folder specifically in the preparation
of the grants management plan, taking into consideration all components of the
sub grants management cycle including and not limited to; timelines for funds
disbursement requests per sub recipient, disbursement transfers, processes for
sub contractor budget preparations and contracting, technical support visits to
partners, financial and budget systems review during TA visits to sub
contracted sub recipients, financial reporting reviews against contracted
targets, developing and operationalizing monitoring plans for funds utilization
against activity implementation and review reconciliation reports produced by
the sub recipients and support the grants coordinator in reviewing monthly
financial reports submitted by finance.
1.26. Ensure funds disbursement requests by sub recipients are cleared
on timely basis by the grants coordinator, program quality coordinator and
program manager and work closely with grants accountants to facilitate timely
disbursement of funds to sub recipients and as per signed sub grants contracts
and CK policies.
1.27. Facilitate timely liquidation of outstanding advances as per the
accepted financial accounting documents from CSO partners
1.28. Facilitate effective communication regarding sub recipients
financial obligations and accounting issues between grants accountants, finance
department, grants coordinator, program quality coordinator, program manager
and program advisor (Sector Manager).
R 2: GF Budget Management Support
1.1. Support the grants coordinator, program quality coordinator, PM and
program advisor (SM) in preparation and allocation of sub recipients budgets,
while ensuring that all work plan targets per partners are effectively budgeted
and calculated, and are within approved budgets
1.2. With technical support from the grants coordinator, support contact
sub recipients in developing and operationalizing GF program budget and grants
tracking tool, and provide technical training for sub recipient program
managers to ensure that all transactions undertaken are posted in the budget
tracking tool on a daily basis for purposes of ensuring that partners are able
to effectively manage GF program budgets and ease financial and program
Periodically and at a minimum review budget utilization per sub recipient and
prepare portfolio performance and share these with grants coordinator for
review, consolidation for the program and advise for decision making.
1.3. provide training and support to sub recipients in the utilization
of budget tracking, procurement plan and costed work plan templates as
developed by the lead of the grants coordinator; Ensure contact sub recipients
utilization of the templates and compliance and provide feedback to grants
coordinator, PM and Sector Manager after partner visits.
1.4. Provide training support to the grants coordinator to the project
officers and GF program team in the utilization of grants management templates
and provide technical support during ongoing implementation to ensure effective
CARE and sub recipients budget management
1.5. Undertake monthly review of budget utilization by sub recipients
and undertake reconciliation of the GF accounts against budget utilization, and
advise grants coordinator and management as appropriate
1.6. Support timely preparation of donor financial reports and that all
expenses incurred by sub recipients are dully accounted for while those not
accounted are fully explained; while ensuring that all taxation matters are
addressed and that there is harmony in program and financial reports submitted
by contact sub recipients and generated by CARE before submission of reports
for review to LFA and GF
1.7. Timely provide response to budget queries raised by grants
coordinator, PM, program quality coordinator, program advisor (sector Manager),
finance counterparts and program management teams.
1.8. Ensure effective implementation of all CARE financial and
operational and administrative policies and procedures while undertaking budget
management roles.
1.9. Support preparation of funds management presentations to GF forums
that may be called by management and GF partners in the country, upon request
by grants coordinator, PM, Program advisor (SM) and management.
1.10. Attending GF coordination meetings as shall be advised among other
program coordination meetings as shall be relevant and upon consultation with
line manager and management
R3: Program Grants monitoring, evaluation and Reporting
1.1. Provide support to grants coordinator in documenting processes for
meeting conditions precedent, standard conditions such as minutes of meetings,
processes and deliverables, management letters among others that CARE will use
to support decisions made on key contractual issues. These may include partner
selection processes and tools used for assessment of capacities, minutes of
selection of auditors among others
1.2. Support the grants coordinator in develop grants monitoring forms
as per items; 1.8., 2.2. 2.3 and 2.4 (indicators for measuring compliance,
field grants monitoring forms, budget tracking tools’, procurement plans and
costed work plans ( PR and SR) and utilize these in effecting monitoring and
evaluation of performance of the grant to ensure optimal utilization and
success of the program
1.3. Review the M&E framework developed for GF Rd 7 program with a
view to informing management for review to incorporating grants management
indicators and monitor grants indicators performance for contact sub recipients
in liason and close working relationship with contact project officers on a
monthly basis or as need arises.
1.4. Support the grants coordinator in developing and operationalizing
an electronic grants information and data management system and ensure to
update the information per contact sub recipient per transaction and upon
receipt of information from sub recipients reporting on a monthly basis.
1.5. Generate reports of monitoring of the grants performance per
contact sub recipients and share on a monthly basis to the grants coordinator,
PM and program advisor during monthly program planning and review meetings or
as shall be advised from time to time
1.6. Monitor sub recipients utilization of grants monitoring tools
developed for use by CARE and sub recipients for the GF program and share these
reports as per 3.5. Above.
1.7. Support the grants coordinator, program quality coordinator and PM
in the organization and coordination of field monitoring visits for program and
grants officers to ensure cost effectiveness, technically sound support and
that sub recipients are supported effectively and that grants monitoring
information from sub recipients monitoring is as accurate as possible;
1.8. Document all processes and grants monitoring sessions held with sub
recipients, CAREs GF program grants monitoring sessions, GF partner sessions in
Kenya i.e. CCM and HIV ICC where information on grants is shared and decisions
arrived at; for use in backing CAREs decisions and audit information
1.9. Support the grants coordinator, program quality coordinator and PM
in the development of TORs for program evaluations (mid term) and financial
capacity building sessions to ensure that grants and financial issues are well
articulated; support technical review of consultancy applications ensuring that
concise assessment criteria is developed and operationalized; provide technical
oversight to program financial related consultancies for contact sub recipients
to ensure deliverables are met to stipulated standards and document clients
feedback; timely follow up with grants accountants in processing of payments
for such engagements
1.10. Support the grants coordinator in developing components of grants
program progress for sharing with the PM to consolidate these as s/he prepares
the Program management update reports for sharing with the country management
team to keep them updated on the progress of the GF program.
The reports should reflect progress in achieving targets, conditions precedent
and standard conditions, sub recipients compliance to contractual obligations,
risks assessment per sub recipient, decisions made by GF actors in country
specific to grants and impacts on the GF program, support required from program
and program support teams to enhance success of program and overall aspects
across the components of the PMF
R4: Partnership Strengthening, Technical Assistance, Lessons Learnt and
Knowledge sharing (5%)
1.29. Support grants coordinator and PM in organizing partner review
meetings while developing key points and grants performance review
presentations to various actors, in order to inform challenges, lessons learnt
and promising practices for purposes of improving performance and knowledge
sharing in the program
1.30. Identify and project financial and governance related technical
assistance needs for addressing capacity weaknesses based on capacity
assessment reports and field technical support sessions, support the
development and and implement Capacity Bulding (CB) and technical assistance
(TA) plans
1.31. Establish good working relationship with the GF program team, sector
grants officers and program teams and cordially work with all care program and
program support teams and during the course of your interaction with other GF
actors, cordially coordinate with other GF departments within the Ministry of
Finance (PR), NACC and CCM (and other actors) to facilitate smooth program
implementation, nurture support for continued application for funding as is
crucial to enhancing programming, sub recipients, development partners and
other crucial programs.
1.32. Coordinate with other CARE Kenya Program and Project Managers in
enhancing grants management functions in the sector and country office and
improvement of Health and HIV programming in the country office.
1.33. If required, Coordinate and host donors, CI and senior program
management field visits
1.34. With support of the grants coordinator, GF program team, and
technical staff in the sector (Senior Project Officer and M&E Coordinator)
support the development of a system to identify and document grants management
promising practices within the GF and CO program and develop a system for
sharing these.
1.35. Support the grants coordinator, program quality coordinator and PM
in organizing partner review and sharing sessions for CARE and partners to
present program progress, lessons learnt and best practices to enhance
performance of the GF Rd 7 grant
R5: Strengthen CAREs performance in Grants Management and Health
Programming and other duties as assigned (5%)
1.1. Support enhanced management cohesion of Health/HIV and CSO sector
projects/programs, CO programs and staff, including management of Office
operations. Undertake any other relevant duty duties as assigned by supervisor
or management that enhance CAREs mission.
1.2. Strengthen CAREs grants management roles and health sector
programming including capacity strengthening for health services delivery,
rights programming and use of RBA approaches based on lessons learnt in
implementing the GF program, especially for vulnerable and hard to reach groups
and all other aspects as requested from time to time.
1.3. Support CAREs achievement of strategic interventions as outlined in
the strategic plan, program principles and other frameworks
1.4. Support other grants and program development efforts in the sector
and country office and other duties as assigned by the supervisor
- Spending
Authority: N/A
- Supervision:
- Decision
Relationships (Internal & External):
Internal: Works as a peer and closely with Program Officers to
manage a program portfolio for a specific number of sub-recipients (5 according
to reviewed program structure) and closely with Grants Accountants.
Receives technical support from the Grants Coordinator, Program Manager and
Program Quality Coordinator, and seeks and gets on going technical support from
the sector grants coordinator, finance department especially the finance
Manager and the CO Budget and Grants Manager. The position also works closely
with the audit and compliance unit staff.
External: The position is the point of contact for eight
sub-recipients and offers day to day support to the sub recipients in grants
management, financial reporting, and technical assistance related to grants
The position also comes into contact with other external parties e.g. auditors
and program stakeholders including the LFA, CCM, National AIDS Control Council,
Ministry of Finance (Government PR), Ministries of Medical Services and Public
Health and Sanitation.
Working Conditions:
Normal working conditions in a city setup. However the employee may have to
contend with traffic congestion during peak hours.
The employee will undertake frequent field visits sub-recipients project
locations (50%) to verify financial information reported by SRs and to officer
technical support and supportive supervision.
This includes travel toremote areas and therefore has exposure to road and air
travel risks and security risks.
Education: Bachelor of Commerce, accounting option, Masters in
Business Administration (Finance), CPA-K and Trainings on financial management;
Coupled with at least 2 years of experience in Grant Management capacity in
grants making programs in reputable organizations.
Experience: Previous work in HIV and Health grant programs will
be an added advantage
- Familiarity
with GF systems and procedures and performance based funding,
- Demonstrable
program budget and grant management skills and experience
- Understanding
and experience in HIV programming in Kenya will be an added advantage
- Ability
and experience to develop and implement grant performance management and
monitoring plans
- Excellent
inter-personal, facilitation skills and communication skills
- Ability
to work well in a team and provide staff leadership
- Person
of high moral character and professional integrity
& Evaluation Officer
Ref: ME/10/2011
Department/Project: Emergency – ARC/HCEP projects
Supervisor: OIC Garissa sub-office
Location/Duty Station: Garissa CARE sub-office in Northern Eastern
province with travel to other project areas of Wajir, Garissa and Mandera
Grade: G
Job Summary & Purpose:
- Develop
and implement effective monitoring and evaluation plan for the Arid and
Marginal Recovery (ARC) and Host Community Emergency projects.
- Establish
measurable indicators for the projects interventions.
- The
Monitoring and Evaluation officer will ensure monitoring tools are
developed and updated regularly.
- He
will also compile monthly, quarterly and annual reports on performance.
- Also
he will conduct training and support all staff on monitoring and
- The
M/E officer is also expected to identify the priority areas of concern in
the available data and inform the project team to make informed decisions.
- Based
on the project experiences he will be responsible for the regular
documentation of processes, challenges and lessons learned.
and responsibilities:
R 1: Working closely with the CIK Livelihoods Monitoring and Evaluation
co-ordinator to facilitate the project team to establish monitoring and
evaluation system.
T 1: Review existing monitoring and evaluation tools for both ARC and HCEP
T 2: Review and adapt CARE International Kenya existing monitoring and
evaluation tools for ARC and HCEP projects activities
T3: Provide guidance to field on quality data collection
T4: Support the field staff in data analysis and interpretation
T5: Support design of new proposal and ensure coherent and logical framework is
T6: Ensure both output and impact level indicators are factored into the
proposal and monitored closely.
T7: Make clear interpretation of the project indicators and ensure the field
staff a good understanding of them for proper reporting.
T8: Ensure that both projects have monitoring framework in place
T8: Ensure ARC and HCEP programming are in line with the overall CARE’s program
R 2: Provide technical input into report preparation (Monthly, quarterly
and annually), and review reports.
T1: Take lead in ARC and HCEP report preparation – monthly, quality and the
T2: Ensure quality and timely submission of reports
T3: Participate in field assessments to measure results to ensure it is
congruent with reports submitted.
T4: Provide support program in making and submitting quality reports with
adequate data
T5: Lead the team in data capturing and reporting using monitoring tools to
track project indicators.
T6: Participate in the documentation of case studies and learning from the ARC
R 3: Manage and regularly update the Project Management Folder (PMF)
T1: Create and regularly update the project PMF
T2: Ensure project monitoring database is created and findings from field
visits are recorded in the monitoring database for each project.
T3: Participate in the process of Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs)
in the different interventions we are undertaking e.g. cash transfer models,
agro vets, CBAHW etc ensuring program quality.
R4: Represent the CIK in different forums such as consortium coordination
and M & E technical working group
T1: Participate in M&E co-ordination meeting organized under the consortium
T2: Ensure project integration with other CARE International in Kenya (CIK) by
participating in meetings and conferences in working towards a program approach.
T3: Any other assignment delegated by the supervisor
- Spending
Authority: None
- Supervision:
- Decision
Relationships (Internal & External):
Kenya partners
- Government
and local authorities for the target regions
- Local
and international NGOs
- The
target communities/beneficiaries
International team
- All
other stakeholders
Garissa CARE sub-office in Northern Eastern province with travel to other
project areas of Wajir, Garissa and Mandera counties
Education: A degree in social science or any other relevant
social science discipline
Experience: Three years relevant experience working in M&E
- Proficiency
in MS Office packages is required. Proficiency in statistical packages is
- Excellent
communication skills both written and oral.
- Excellent
analytical, planning and organizational skills
- Must
be self motivated and reliable person who can work with minimal
(Sub Office Administration Office)
Ref: AA/10/2011
Department/Project: Program Support (Moyale sub office)
Supervisor: Project Manager
Location/Duty Station: Moyale
Grade: D
Job Summary & Purpose:
Reporting to the project manager, Provides the Sub Office Programmes with
Administrative services to ensure efficient and effective programme delivery,
insightful analysis and quality and timely preparation and reporting of
procurement plans and activities.
The Administrative Assistant will be responsible in assisting on procurement,
store keeping, and administrative duties and will be required to make
arrangement for travel and accommodation of staff and visitors.
In addition s/he will be advising staff on policies and procedures to ensure
compliance with CARE’s operation manual.
Key Responsibilities
R1: Responsible for the implementation of Procurement functions as
required by CARE Kenya operating manual.
- Assist
the project in purchase of goods and services for Moyale sub Office.
- Ensure
goods and services received by the projects meet the required Standards
and are cost effective.
- Assist
procurement department to verify vendor invoices before presenting them to
finance for payment
- Follow
up with vendors on items procured.
- Raise
GRN for the goods received.
R2: Responsible for the implementation of Administrative
- Assist
in compile vehicle, fuel efficiency report and leave summary report on a
monthly basis.
- Keep
track and submit an updated, complete and accurate asset inventory data on
a monthly basis.
- Ensure
that hotel bookings are done for project visitors and staff.
- Ensure
that all utility bills are paid on time.
- During
the workweek, record items on the security checklist and co-sign with
security guards as appropriate.
- Assist
in human resource tasks as assigned.
- Spending
Authority: non
- Supervision:
Relationships (Internal & External):
Conditions: Based
in CARE Moyale Sub-office office
Education: Diploma in business administration or diploma in
purchasing and supplies.
Experience: 2 Years experience in a similar position.
Competencies: MS Office computer skills, word processing, MS
Outlook and MS Excel. Ability to work to deadlines.
If you feel you meet the requirements for any of these positions, send your
application letter indicating the reference number , title of the position
along with an updated CV and telephone contacts of three professional referees
The Human Resources & Development Manager,
CARE International in Kenya,
so as to be received not later than 28th October, 2011.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
CARE is an equal opportunity employer and promotes gender equity. Canvassing
will lead to automatic disqualification.
CARE International in Kenya does not charge a fee at any stage of the
recruitment process. (Application, interview, meeting, processing, training or
any other fees).