We have freelance writing jobs, contract writing jobs, part time and full time jobs. 

Our job offer is to Fresh and old graduates with an interest in the writing career. 

Why get low income while you can invest your talent in a well paying career? 

Our offfer is to all fields i.e business, ethics, philosophy, psychology, theology, education, literature, English, history, nursing, geography, management, tourism and many more. 

Our pay is competitive and worker oriented. pay/page= Ksh 500 for junior group managers writers, 400 for professional writers, 300 for junior writers, and 200 for trainee writers.

1. The the page is standards new times roman, font 12 and single spaced.
2. Junior group managers writers should be able to write 6 pages, professional writers 5 pages, junior writers, 3 pages and  trainees should be able to complete more one page after 5 days
We have classified our writers to different classes according to their expertise. 

There is room for growth to get a high pay such as management positions in the writing's career. 

Fresh Graduates without experience should apply for trainee positions. 

Please fill the position you are applying as the subject matter of your application.
If you are interested in these considerate job opportunities send your detailed CV including your experience in writing, by enclosing an article to grahonsproffessionalsinc@gmail.com

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