have been in the Freelance Writing
service for the last 6 years.
We are currently seeking to hire freelance writers to work from home.
We are paying 200kshs. per double spaced page of an original paper.
We are paying after every 2 weeks.
We offer trainings through skype for free.
The freelance writer applying has to be sure to keep time and ensure constant communication.
You must be ready to work constantly.
The writer applying must have experience in freelance writing. WE DO NOT WANT BEGINNERS
Kindly attach your CV and Cover letter and send it to papersperfect@gmail.com
We are currently seeking to hire freelance writers to work from home.
We are paying 200kshs. per double spaced page of an original paper.
We are paying after every 2 weeks.
We offer trainings through skype for free.
The freelance writer applying has to be sure to keep time and ensure constant communication.
You must be ready to work constantly.
The writer applying must have experience in freelance writing. WE DO NOT WANT BEGINNERS
Kindly attach your CV and Cover letter and send it to papersperfect@gmail.com