Request for Expression of Interest (EOI)
Consultancy for Undertaking Enterprise Risk Management Policy Framework
Ref: SRC/EOI/ERM/07/2013-2014
1. Background
The Salaries and Remuneration Commission is established by the Constitution of Kenya 2010 with the mandate to set and regularly review the remuneration and benefits of all State Officers; and advise the national and county governments on the remuneration and benefits of all other public officers.
2. Objective of the consultancy
The objective of the assignment is therefore to develop a suitable Enterprise Risk Management Framework that would define and manage the full spectra of risks across the Commission as well as provide guidance on their application and implementation.
3. Expected Deliverables
i. Develop an Enterprise Risk Management Framework which includes;
a. Risk Management Policy
b. Integrating Strategic Plan
c. Roles and Responsibilities
d. Corporate Risk Registers
e. Risk identification, Analysis and Treatment
f. Reporting Mechanism
ii. Undertake capacity building on ERM through training and knowledge transfer and identifying risk Champions;
iii. Risk Reports to Management and the Commission;
iv. Monitoring and Evaluation;
a. Role of Internal Audit in giving assurance for ERM
b. Role of Internal/External Risk Management Consultant
c. Facilitate implementation in all departments.
4. Requirements
A detailed company profile attaching the following:
i. Key team members should either have the following qualifications: CPA, CIA, ACCA, CISA, CRMA, Institute of Risk Management, Global Association of Risk Professions or any other equivalent qualification.
ii. Certified copies of company Certificate of incorporation
iii. Signed CV’s of consultants including the lead consultant
iv. Evidence of having completed related similar engagement/assignment in the public sector (attach three reference letters from public organizations for projects completed during the past 3 years)
v. Valid Tax compliance certificate
The completed expression of interest and accompanying documents must be submitted enclosed in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked ‘SRC/EOI/ERM/07/2013-2014:PROVISION OF ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK ‘and deposited in the Tender Box at Williamson House 6th Floor, 4th Ngong Avenue, or posted to:-
The Commission Secretary
Salaries and Remuneration Commission
P.O Box 43126-00100
The deadline for the expression of interest is Friday 11th April at 12.00 Noon Kenya time.
The EOI’s submitted later than the indicated closing date and time shall be automatically disqualified.
More details on this EOl advertisement can be accessed through the following websites:,,,