Sector Coordination Unit (ASCU)
The Kenya’s Agricultural Sector, has formulated a new sector wide programme, the Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme (ASDSP).
The goal of the ASDSP is to have increased and equitable incomes, employment and improved food security of the target groups as a result of improved production and productivity in the rural smallholder farm and off farm sector.
The ASDSP will cover all the 47 Counties and will be implemented initially for five (5) years.
To facilitate the implementation of the ASDSP, the Agricultural Sector Coordination Unit (ASCU) wishes to advertise the following vacant positions.
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
The Kenya’s Agricultural Sector, has formulated a new sector wide programme, the Agricultural Sector Development Support Programme (ASDSP).
The goal of the ASDSP is to have increased and equitable incomes, employment and improved food security of the target groups as a result of improved production and productivity in the rural smallholder farm and off farm sector.
The ASDSP will cover all the 47 Counties and will be implemented initially for five (5) years.
To facilitate the implementation of the ASDSP, the Agricultural Sector Coordination Unit (ASCU) wishes to advertise the following vacant positions.
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
- The Monitoring and Evaluation specialist will be coordinating M&E related activities within the programme and report to the National Programme Coordinator.
- He/she will under the supervision of the Programme coordinator be responsible for the successful implementation of the programme M&E framework and systems
- The M&E specialist will ensure that a well developed gender and vulnerability sensitive system for monitoring progress and evaluating impact which is an integral part of the programme management system will be developed and operationalised for ASDSP.
- This system will be linked to the sector wide M&E framework which is coordinated by ASCU.
- He/she will also coordinate the ASDSP planning, budgeting and reporting activities.
- Coordinate planning, budgeting and reporting for the programme.
- Support the compilation and dissemination of annual work plans and budgets.
- Support the compilation and dissemination of semiannual and annual reports.
- Coordinate the development and implementation of an impact monitoring framework for ASDSP during the inception phase.
- Coordinate the baseline survey of ASDSP to be undertaken during the Inception period.
- Coordinate the development of a comprehensive GIS/ICT and real time based M&E system for the programme at all levels.
- Together with ASCU participate in the design of a sector wide information flow system.
- Support ASCU to design a sector wide information system based on the communication strategy.
- Support dissemination from a sector wide M&E.
- Coordinate development and implementation of an annual M&E plan for the programme.
- Develop and implement a training plan for M&E.
- Coordinate topical and impact studies.
- Identify areas for technical assistance and support its implementation.
- Coordinate the development of a databank, including best practices and lessons from the programme.
- Support development of an ASDSP website.
- Continuously review and update the M&E system.
- Mainstreaming gender and socioeconomic issues in the programme activities including the M&E system.
- Establish and supervise the preparation of accurate and timely information for budget monitoring and progress reporting of programme funds and grants
- Liaise with implementing partners and their M&E units to generate M&E reports.
- Be a liaison link with the counties.
- Hold at least a Masters. Degree in Agricultural/Economics or social sciences field and have at least 10 years experience in fields related to agricultural development or development planning;
- Have experience in managing M&E systems
- Have excellent ICT knowledge
- Have some experience in communication technologies
- Have experience of agriculture sector policies, laws and regulations in Kenya;
- Have some managerial experience;
- Have some experience of financial management;
- Have knowledge about multidimensional approaches to poverty reduction, as well as good governance, as preconditions for development;
- Have excellent writing and verbal communication skills;
- Have proven experience in promoting identification of, and measures to address, cross-cutting issues.
merits are granted to candidates that:
- Are conversant with multidimensional approaches to poverty reduction, as well as good governance, as preconditions for development;
- Have experience in strategic communication in development processes.
Institutional and Capacity Development Specialist
- The Institutional and Capacity Development Specialist will support the capacity building initiatives for value chain development as well as coordinate the task force for support to capacity building of the County coordinating units.
- He/she will under the supervision of the Programme coordinator be responsible for the successful implementation of component 1 of ASDSP on sector- wide coordination.
Undertake gender sensitive capacity analysis and training needs assessment and coordinate the implementation of capacity building and training in the programme.
Specific Responsibilities
Undertake gender sensitive capacity analysis and training needs assessment and coordinate the implementation of capacity building and training in the programme.
Specific Responsibilities
- Coordinate gender sensitive capacity analysis and needs assessment to build capacity in the sector and in the county coordination units.
- Coordinate the development of a capacity development plan for ASDSP.
- Coordinate the development of a gender sensitive/ responsive capacity development strategy and plan for the sector.
- Collaborate with AIRC and other stakeholders to develop content and mechanisms for dissemination relevant agricultural innovations.
- Contribute to the work planning and budgeting of the programme.
- Design capacity building models (curricula and programme).
- Coordinate the identification and selection of suitable service providers to implement training programmes.
- Coordinate quality assurance of training undertaken within the programme.
- Identify existing capacity development opportunities in the sector and make these available for relevant actors.
- Coordinate the task force for support to capacity building of the county coordination units.
- Report on training and capacity building aspects of the programme.
- Identify areas for technical assistance and support to its implementation.
- Be the liaison link with Counties on programme issues.
- Hold at least a Masters. Degree in subjects in the agricultural field, or social sciences and have at least 10 years experience in fields related to agricultural development;
- Have proven experience in implementing institutional and capacity development initiatives;
- Have good ICT knowledge
- Have proven capacity to coordinate training programmes and experience from training needs assessment;
- Have experience in translating agriculture knowledge into common language and/or in actively involving stakeholders in advisory and/or decision-making positions in agricultural development;
- Have experience in strategic communication in development processes;
- Have some experience of agriculture sector policies, laws and regulations in Kenya;
- Have above average writing and verbal communication skills;
- Have proven experience in promoting identification of, and measures to address, cross-cutting issues.
merits are granted to candidates that:
- Are conversant with multidimensional approaches to poverty reduction, as well as good governance, as preconditions for development;
- Have good average advocacy, and advisory talents and proven ability to work effectively with representatives of different groups in society, such as communities, the private and civil society sectors, and representatives of government and international organisations.
- Have experience in gender, human rights and HIV/AIDS mainstreaming.
Natural Resources Management Specialist
- The Natural Resources Management specialist will support the promotion of long term equitable use of the natural resource base and the creation of an ecologically secure environment for the realisation of component 3.
- He/she will under the supervision of the Programme coordinator be responsible for the successful implementation of component 2 on NRM.
Develop gender sensitive responses to negative effects of NRM and climate change related constraints on the prioritized value chains.
Specific Responsibilities
Develop gender sensitive responses to negative effects of NRM and climate change related constraints on the prioritized value chains.
Specific Responsibilities
- Support the dissemination of climate related early warning and corresponding action planning at all levels.
- Support the dissemination and mobilization of relevant technologies for adaptation to climate change.
- Contribute to the work planning and budgeting for the programme.
- Support the development of Payment for Ecosystems Services (PES), Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and other methods and support their implementation.
- Support the creation of partnerships for carbon credit Schemes.
- Support the strengthening of socially sensitive community based mechanisms for NRM.
- Identify NRM related policy constraints for effectively functioning Value Chains.
- Support the promotion of sustainable and equitable agricultural practices.
- Support the strengthening of socially sensitive mechanisms for NRM.
- Participate in the thematic working group for Environment, Sustainable Land and Natural Resource Management.
- Support the dissemination of relevant and gender sensitive technologies for adaptation to climate change.
- Support forums for researchers, extensionists and farmers in order to promote technology transfer for sustainable increase in productivity and linked to the value chains.
- Communicate research needs related to value chains and identified by stakeholders and service providers to the research community.
- Support the development of coordinated response mechanisms to issues of food insecurity
- Provide technical advice and coordination of support to help strengthening food and nutrition security information systems.
- Identify areas for technical assistance and support its implementation.
- Report on component 2 of the programme.
- Be the liaison link with Counties on programme issues and humanitarian assistance.
- Hold at least a Masters. Degree in subjects in the agricultural, natural resources or environment and have at least 10 years experience related to agricultural development, environment or natural resources management;
- Have experience from working in the ASALs of Kenya;
- Have good ICT knowledge;
- Have some experience of agriculture sector policies, laws and regulations in Kenya;
- Have some managerial experience;
- Have good writing and verbal communication skills;
- Have proven experience in promoting identification of, and measures to address, cross-cutting issues.
merits are granted to candidates that:
- Are conversant with multidimensional approaches to poverty reduction, as well as good governance, as preconditions for development;
- Have good advocacy, and advisory talents and proven ability to work effectively with representatives of different groups in society, such as communities, the private and civil society sectors, and representatives of government and international organisations.
- Have experience in Environmental Security Assessment (ESA)
Value Chain Specialist
- The Value Chain specialist will be coordinating Agribusiness and Value chain related activities within the programme.
- He/she will under the supervision of the Programme coordinator be responsible for the successful implementation of component 3 on value chain development.
Coordinate the development and implementation of value chains that offer maximum potential for the achievement of equity objectives while contributing to the commercialization of the agricultural sector.
Specific Responsibilities
Coordinate the development and implementation of value chains that offer maximum potential for the achievement of equity objectives while contributing to the commercialization of the agricultural sector.
Specific Responsibilities
- Coordinate the selection and design of market led value chains with strong poverty alleviation, food security, economic benefits and equity potential.
- Contribute to the annual work plan and budget of the programme.
- Coordinate the analysis of gender based and market access related constraints during production, processing and marketing.
- Facilitate activities in value chains that will catalyse the establishment of youth groups (both for men and women) and offer opportunities for young farmers to develop as entrepreneurs.
- Facilitate partnerships with other providers to enable access to value chain development activities by vulnerable groups, including drug addicts, chronically ill people and orphan headed households.
- Coordinate the design of appropriate response to the challenges identified.
- Coordinate gender sensitive pilot tests for up-scaling new value chains.
- Coordinate the development of models and provide capacity building to support the development of Value chain groups, including training in the development of business plans.
- Support the development of socially inclusive VC groups based on the development of CIGs and other types of interest groups to adopt the value chain concept.
- Support the building of horizontal linkages by developing means to assist established groups with formalities to form viable producer groups and legally recognizable entities.
- Support the building of vertical linkages through establishment of county VC platforms based on the concept of stakeholder forums.
- Coordinate the development of models for stakeholder platforms for interaction among actors in the value chains.
- Support the up scaling of sustainable post harvest technologies and off farm processing techniques.
- Support the interaction among producers and private market and service providers.
- Identify policy changes that will improve the environment for small scale agribusiness.
- Identify areas for technical assistance and support its implementation.
- Support ASCU in the implementation of the agribusiness strategy.
- Support ASCU to formulate instruments for enhancing public-private partnerships that contribute to VC development.
- Continue to develop NAFIS as an interactive ICT platform to provide information on value chains, service providers, market prices, etc.
- Coordinate the development of models to support small scale traders and agribusiness projects particularly for landless young people and for women.
- Coordinate the identification of service providers to support different value chains.
- Ensure the inclusion of value chain considerations in the county/district planning.
- Coordinate the sensitization of male and female stakeholders on standards to improve marketability of products.
- Support situation analysis on possible interventions for identified gaps in the application of human rights based approaches in the value chains.
- Coordinate the identification of policy and social barriers to movement and trade of goods across counties/districts.
- Coordinate the up scaling and out scaling of sustainable post harvest technologies and off farm processing techniques.
- Coordinate the development of frameworks and support capacity building for provision of financial and insurance services including savings.
- Coordinate the training of business advisors.
- Facilitate linkages between financial service providers and potential customers.
- Assist ASCU in the compilation of a bank of ideas for piloting promising technologies and practices.
- Participate in the thematic working group for Agribusiness and financial services.
- Report on the value chain component of the programme.
- Be the liaison link with Counties on programme issues.
- Hold at least a Masters degree in subjects in the agricultural or economics field and have at least 10 years experience in fields related to agribusiness;
- Have in depth and practical knowledge of agribusiness and especially the value chain concept and its application;
- Have good ICT skills;
- Have some experience of agriculture sector policies, laws and regulations in Kenya;
- Have some managerial experience;
- Have good advocacy, and advisory talents and proven ability to work effectively with representatives of different groups in society, such as communities, the private and civil society sectors, and representatives of government and international organisations;
- Have some experience of agriculture sector policies, laws and regulations in Kenya
- Have good writing and verbal communication skills;
- Have experience in promoting identification of, and measures to address, cross-cutting issues.
merits are granted to candidates that:
- Have experience in translating agriculture knowledge into common language
- Are conversant with multidimensional approaches to poverty reduction, as well as good governance, as preconditions for development;
- Have experience in gender mainstreaming.
Interested candidates should send their applications, including detailed CV, academic certificates and daytime telephone number, by hand, courier or post so as to reach the undersigned by close of business on 11th May 2012. Applications can also be sent by Email to:
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
The ASCU Coordinator,
Upper Floor, Kilimo House
Cathedral Road
P.O. Box 300028-00100
Interested candidates should send their applications, including detailed CV, academic certificates and daytime telephone number, by hand, courier or post so as to reach the undersigned by close of business on 11th May 2012. Applications can also be sent by Email to:
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
The ASCU Coordinator,
Upper Floor, Kilimo House
Cathedral Road
P.O. Box 300028-00100