United Nations Children’s
Kenya Country Office
SSA Consultancy to undertake development of Gender Equality Strategy
SSA Consultancy to undertake development of Gender Equality Strategy
Duration: 4
Months but spread over 9 months
Date of Issue: 06
June, 2012
Closing Date:12
June, 2012
Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the above Consultancy in the Office of the Deputy Representative, UNICEF Kenya Office.
Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the above Consultancy in the Office of the Deputy Representative, UNICEF Kenya Office.
Purpose of the Post:
Support UNICEF Kenya Country Office to develop a Gender Equality Strategy as
well as undertake staff capacity building on gender mainstreaming.
Kenya gained its independence in 1963 and has since made effort to provide economic and socio political empowerment of its masses. Over this period, it has realized an increase access to rights for all on one hand, and it has witnessed an epoch of significant abuses of Human Rights on the other.
Kenya gained its independence in 1963 and has since made effort to provide economic and socio political empowerment of its masses. Over this period, it has realized an increase access to rights for all on one hand, and it has witnessed an epoch of significant abuses of Human Rights on the other.
The expansion of women’s
spaces to engage and participate in governance has been a key agenda for many
institutions in the country but has also seen its share of difficulties over
the years.
Kenya is a signatory to
most international conventions and human rights instruments that are aimed at
expanding Gender Equality i.e. the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW – 1979), the 1995 Beijing Declaration
and Platform for Action and the 1985 third world Conference on Woman which
ratified Nairobi Forward Looking strategies for greater equality which was
hosted in Kenya.
Kenya’s National Gender
and Development Policy 2000 provides a framework for advancement of women,
leading to greater efficiency in resource allocation and utilization to ensure
empowerment of women.
At national level, the
newly promulgated Constitution of Kenya addressed the legal gaps and created
affirmative action as a means of addressing equality in decision making and
resource allocation in the country. It has also introduced the Bill of Rights
which entrenches gender equality being key to development.
Other key strategies for
enhancing gender equality include the Vision 2030 where Kenya asserts its
commitment and readiness to ensure gender mainstreaming in its planning
processes with particular emphasis on gender equity, improved livelihoods for
vulnerable groups, and a responsible, globally competitive and prosperous
The UN General Assembly at
its 59th Session resulted in the adoption of the Triennial Comprehensive Policy
Review (TCPR) aimed at mainstreaming gender equality in country programs,
planning instruments and sector wide approaches.
The UN Development Program
Group formed a Task Team on Gender Equality to support consistent and coherent
action amongst UNDG members to mainstream gender equality and women empowerment
in programming at country level and a wide range of tools and processes have
been developed by UNDG for use by UN Country Teams (UNCT).
There is a gender Score
Card that sets minimum standards for UNCTs to assess their performance (gender
responsive programming, partnerships, participation, policies, capacities etc),
identifies gaps and progress.
office’s Country Program of Action Plan 2009-2013 (CPAP) is anchored on
Kenya government development priorities such as vision 2030, MTSP and a number
of key sectoral policies that emphasize the importance of Human Rights
and Gender Equality.
UNICEF Kenya thus supports
the Government of Kenya (GoK) with significant policy level advocacy, technical
support and service delivery where necessary to ensure better results for
Children and Women. Within the UN family, UNICEF CPAP is strongly aligned to
UNDAF results framework.
Therefore, gender equality
and mainstreaming is central to UNICEF transactions and its efforts towards
ensuring equity and inclusion at all levels of program implementation and
In 2010, a Gender Audit
was done by UNICEF Kenya to review and address gender equality in programming
both in the practices and policies of the office in line UNICEF’s global policy
The gender Audit covered
the period between 2008 to 2010 and examined the extent to which the overall
GoK-UNICEF CP has (or failed to) promoted gender equality in terms of policy,
programmes and interventions.
In general the Gender
Audit found that UNICEF Kenya’s internal institutional mechanisms, capacities
and management supports comprehensive gender mainstreaming in
This was evident from the
existence of the Annual Work Plan (AWP), existence of the Gender Task Force
(GTF) as well as strong UNICEF participation in the UN Joint Program on Gender
Equality and Women’s Empowerment (JPGEWE) amongst other things. However the
audit cited the existence of strong and pervasive ambiguity and ambivalence
around gender mainstreaming which was described by one informant as “gender
Also staff interest, effort
and skill sets were noted to be variable thus affecting the level of engagement
in gender mainstreaming hence recommendations for capacity development of
both staff and partners to improve gender mainstreaming at all levels.
It is important to recognise
that gender mainstreaming requires a personal commitment to gender equality
from all staff, particular male staff in positions of authority.
It is from this premise that UNICEF Kenya is seeking a Technical Assistance (TA) to facilitate the development of a UNICEF Kenya Gender Mainstreaming Strategy coupled with intensive staff capacity building program to engender program management and implementation.
The consultancy will be
spread out over nine months to undertake and achieve all the four parts of the
terms of reference.
Scope of Work
Scope of Work
The purpose of this
consultancy is to facilitate UNICEF Kenya office develops a Gender
Mainstreaming Strategy and a staff capacity building program that entrenches
gender consciousness, enhances accountabilities, staff motivation levels,
skills and attitudes towards gender equality and women empowerment throughout
the UNICEF program cycle
The consultant will build on the 2010 Gender Audit report findings and recommendations, work closely with KCO GTF as well as JPGEWE and cross reference recommendations with UNCT efforts to ensure gender equality and women empowerment.
The T.A will cover three main components listed below:-
The consultant will build on the 2010 Gender Audit report findings and recommendations, work closely with KCO GTF as well as JPGEWE and cross reference recommendations with UNCT efforts to ensure gender equality and women empowerment.
The T.A will cover three main components listed below:-
Part 1: Analysis of
status of Kenya country program planning and implementation processes,
modalities and staff capacities towards commitment to promoting gender equality
and women empowerment in programming and advocacy by:
i. Assessing staff
attitude and capacity with particular focus on budget holders as well as
management so as to gauge level of awareness, understanding and programming for
Gender Mainstreaming in their respective areas of responsibilities. This also
should look at management tools such as annual management plans, Rolling Work
plan, PCA approval Checklist, UN gender Score Card and staff responsibilities
at section level.
ii. Undertaking a desk
review to bring forth a comprehensive overview and in-depth analysis of
UNICEF’s current data gathering, program planning, implementation, monitoring
processes(frameworks) and subsequently develop concrete recommendations on how
to establish and integrate gender sensitive evidence gathering, analysis,
programming, monitoring and advocacy into each of the specific programme
components. The TA should look at the depth to which organizational policies,
planning tools, resources and monitoring and evaluation mechanism of both
program and operations in order to enhance technical knowledge and commitment
to Gender equality in UNICEF Kenya.
Part 2: Develop a
UNICEF Kenya Gender Mainstreaming Strategy and staff capacity building plan to
engender all program implementation and management.
The consultant will: -
iii. Develop with staff
and management input a programme specific gender analysis, evidence gathering,
programming, monitoring and advocacy and reporting strategy based on the
findings and recommendations drawn from the above items (i) analysis of staff
knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes to gender related issues
ii) in-depth analysis of UNICEF KCO’s current programme planning and
implementation and
(iii) the desk review
above as well as by reviewing other Gender Mainstreaming strategies, by UN
bodies such as UNIFEM, UN Women, WHO and UNFPA. The consultant should
also look at the UNCT gender Score card, the UN JPGEWE program priorities
bottleneck analysis report as well as Level three monitoring processes and
subsequently draw firm conclusions on how to strengthen gender awareness,
analysis and gender sensitive programming each of UNICEF Kenya programs. Recommend
changes to management practices where necessary.
iv. Develop a staff
Capacity Building Action Plan- that recognizes and addresses the entrenched
beliefs of staff regarding gender roles that undermine their willingness and
ability to apply principles of gender equality in their professional and
personal lives. The plans should have a clear timeframe for staff capacity
building stating current baseline and set indicators of achievement after
capacity building taking into account different sector’s needs.
v. Recommend mechanisms to
incentivize, support and recognize effective gender mainstreaming through
management processes
Part 3 -
Development of a capacity building package and monitoring plan with clear
vi. Review existing UN
staff gender equality training packages to suit the needs of different staff
levels and identified needs. The consultant will also develop a training
plan with concrete timeframe and plan groups sessions as well as separate
sessions for different sectors as required in order to discuss and roll out the
office wide strategy that will be adapted out of this exercise.
vii. Undertake trainings
and facilitate peer learning sessions for staff in line with the work plan
stated above to improve commitment and change attitudes that hinder gender
viii. Develop a checklist
of compliance and subsequently undertake review of progress midway and at the
end of the TA to gauge levels change in staff skills, and understanding of
gender analysis, programming, monitoring, advocacy and reporting as well as
enforcement of gender mainstreaming by management in the office.
Existing Information sources
Existing Information sources
The consultant will look
at but not limited to the following key sector documents:
UNICEF Kenya’s key documents (Gender Audit Report 2010, CPAP, CPD, RWPs AMPs, IMEP of the current country program), Bottleneck analysis report, UNICEF Global Gender Equality Policy, Other UN agency Gender policy documents (UN Women, UNFPA, UNDP, WHO etc.) Gender Mainstreaming Strategies and policies, Gender Score Card, Joint Program on Gender Equality & Women Empowerment documents; GA protocals, Constitution of Kenya 2011, Draft Affirmative Action Policy of GoK, UNDAF, Vision 2030, Taskforce Report on constitutional realignment to education sector, Gender and Education Policy (MoE),
AWP areas covered
UNICEF Kenya’s key documents (Gender Audit Report 2010, CPAP, CPD, RWPs AMPs, IMEP of the current country program), Bottleneck analysis report, UNICEF Global Gender Equality Policy, Other UN agency Gender policy documents (UN Women, UNFPA, UNDP, WHO etc.) Gender Mainstreaming Strategies and policies, Gender Score Card, Joint Program on Gender Equality & Women Empowerment documents; GA protocals, Constitution of Kenya 2011, Draft Affirmative Action Policy of GoK, UNDAF, Vision 2030, Taskforce Report on constitutional realignment to education sector, Gender and Education Policy (MoE),
AWP areas covered
Annual Management Plan
/Deputy Representative’s office
Expected Deliverables
Expected Deliverables
The expected deliverables
- Consultancy conceptual framework outlining, timelines, deliverables and key responsible parties to UNICEF two weeks upon signing of contract- but not later than June 30th 2012.
- A programme specific gender analysis, evidence gathering, programming, monitoring and advocacy and reporting strategy along with office wide performance targets/indicators and means of verification by 31st July 2012.
- A Comprehensive Capacity Building Action Plan by August 15th 2012
- A comprehensive Gender Mainstreaming training package by September 30th, 2012
- A final report comprising of a training completion report, a monitoring report with status of implementation of the trainings and their outcomes as well as the level of implementation of the programme specific strategies by 15th February 2013.
background and experience
- A consultancy firm that has Gender Equality and Women Empowerment one of its core business/departments with a pool of gender experts. The consultants selected by the firm must have the following skills:
- Lead consultant should have at least a Masters or PhD in Social Sciences and/or in gender in development.
- A minimum of 10 years’ experience and evidence of gender mainstreaming and equality programming, monitoring and research done with or for international organizations.
- The capacity building team leader must have at least a Master’s degree in social sciences/ gender training with at least 7 years’ experience in staff capacity building and development of packages for entrenching gender equality in programs.
- Excellent research and analytical skills in both qualitative and quantitative analysis.
- Excellent command of the English language, with proven writing skills;
- Proficient in computer skills
drive for results, communication, working with people; planning and organizing.
Interested and suitable candidates should ensure that they forward their applications along with their curricula vitae, to;
Interested and suitable candidates should ensure that they forward their applications along with their curricula vitae, to;
The Human Resources
UNICEF Kenya Country Office
Email address: kenyahrvacancies@unicef.org
Please indicate Reference No. “KCO/SSA/DR/2012/016” in the email subject.
UNICEF Kenya Country Office
Email address: kenyahrvacancies@unicef.org
Please indicate Reference No. “KCO/SSA/DR/2012/016” in the email subject.
Interested candidates
should also complete the Personal History (P11) form, which can be downloaded
from the UNICEF Kenya website (http://www.unicef.org/kenya).
“Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply”
“Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply”
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