ActionAid International
Kenya (AAIK) is a member of ActionAid Federation and it works in more
than 40 countries all over the world.
It is an organization
that facilitates processes that help eradicate poverty and social
injustice through development programmes, local institution capacity
building and public policy.
AAIK is present in at
least 16 counties across Kenyaand links key international, national and
local institutions in favour of people living in poverty and exclusion.
Consultancy to Conduct a Comprehensive Donor Scoping and Intelligence Survey
ActionAid Kenya is
looking for an experienced consultant to conduct a comprehensive donor
scoping survey. The survey findings will help AAIK in informing the
finalization of a draft Fundraising Strategy and Implementation Plan.
The overall objective of
this assignment is to conduct a comprehensive donor scoping and
intelligence of funding agencies in-country and globally and thereafter
produce a report that will help in determining potential and like-minded
partner agencies that AAIK will target for the next five years in
achievement of the strategic objectives aspirations of the new Country
Strategy Paper.
Consultants/consulting firms should provide a detailed company profile
or a personal profile that demonstrates the requisite capacity
requirements for this assignment.
Application document
should be in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked “Proposal for Donor
Scoping Survey”, should be addressed to the undersigned and deposited in
the Tender Box at ActonAid’s main reception at All Africa Conference of
Churches building on Waiyaki Way, second floor on weekdays. All tenders
to be received by 7th June 2013 by 12.00pm.
For more details and access to the Terms of Reference (TOR) kindly follow:
The Central Tender Committee
ActionAid International Kenya
All African Conference of churches,
2nd Floor, Waiyaki Way
P.O.Box 42814 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Action Aid International
Kenya reserves the right to accept or reject any part or the entire
tender without assigning any reasons.ActionAid International Kenya
All African Conference of churches,
2nd Floor, Waiyaki Way
P.O.Box 42814 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya