Terms of Reference for Bulgari Project End-Line Survey: Protocol Development, Data Collection, Analysis, Interpretation and Report Writing
Save the Children International is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of millions of children in need around the world. 

Recognized for our commitment to accountability, innovation and collaboration, our work takes us into the heart of communities, where we help children and families help themselves. 

We work with other organizations, governments, non-profits and a variety of local partners while maintaining our own independence without political agenda or religious orientation.
Our Vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. 

Our Mission is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.
To achieve this mission, Save the Children in Kenya works on four core thematic areas: right to Health, right to Freedom from Hunger, right to Education and right to Protection. 

The approach of our interventions is based on three interlocking pillars: direct programming, political and policy change, popular mobilization and fundraising.
Our programmes in Kenya are focused at ensuring that all children have access to quality basic services – health, nutrition, education, protection and social welfare. 

We have developed a five year newborn and child survival plan that will guide our efforts to accelerate achievement of MDG 4 and 5 in Kenya.
The Bulgari Project (Scaling-up Access to and Improving Quality of Primary Health Care for Marginalized Women and Children in Wajir South and Habaswein districts)
The Bulgari project is a randomized cluster community trial which is being implemented in 3 model community units, namely, Abakore, Biyamathow and Diff in Wajir South and Habaswein districts within the framework of the community health strategy for level 1 service delivery. 

The phase 1 of the project ran from 1st April 2011 to 31st March 2012 whereas phase 2 began on 1st April 2012 and ends on 31st March 2013. During the first phase, the project recruited, trained and equipped 150 Community Health Workers (CHWs) with knowledge, skills and supplies to enable them deliver health promotion and basic preventive and curative health services; and aimed to create demand for primary health care through home visits and community health dialogue and action days.
The project targets to benefit an estimated 25,000 beneficiaries including 4,500 children under the age of five years, 1,000 pregnant women, and 15,000 women of reproductive age. Other project beneficiaries are 150 CHWs, 20 Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWs) and 3 Community Health Committees (CHCs) at the 3 link health facilities. It is anticipated that these interventions would improve access to quality essential health care packages within the community settings.

Designed as a randomized cluster community trial, the 3 intervention areas (i.e. Abakore, Biyamathow and Diff) are matched to 3 corresponding control sites (i.e. Argane, Burder and Kulaaley). The control sites have no community units.

Purpose of the Bulgari Project End-line survey
The project baseline survey was conducted in June 2011. 

The purpose of baseline survey was to obtain baseline data in the project area that can be used to assess the impact of the functional community strategy in pastoralist settings compared to the situation in households without the community health strategy by the end of the project period. 

The objective of the baseline survey was to document access to, demand for and utilization of maternal, new-born and child health (MNCH) and nutrition services.
By the end of the second phase of project implementation, Save the Children intends to conduct an end line survey to assess the impact of the community health strategy at the intervention sites vis-à-vis the control sites.
Objectives of the Bulgari Project End-Line Survey
  1. Assess how adequately the project has achieved its stated objectives as well as to determine the nature and extent of impact the project has had so far on the main target communities.
  2. By making statistical comparisons to project control sites, demonstrate the impact of or lack thereof of the community health strategy in the project intervention sites after close to 2 years of implementation.
  3. Identify factors contributing to success or failure of the project in meeting its stated objectives.
The Scope of Work
The scope of this consultancy encompasses the entire end-line survey process that includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  1. Develop end-line survey protocol and implementation plan.
  2. Undertake desk reviews of findings of the baseline survey and any other relevant literature.
  3. Develop and pre-test data collection tools including questionnaires, key informant interview and Focus Group Discussion guides.
  4. Conduct training and orientation of data enumerators.
  5. Supervise data collection and data entry while ensuring utmost data quality.
  6. Undertake data analysis and interpretation.
  7. Prepare MS power-point presentation on the survey methodology, findings, interpretations, conclusions and recommendations.
  8. Make oral presentation of survey findings and recommendations to Save the Children and the District Health Management Team in Habaswein.
  9. Compile final end-line survey report.
Expected Deliverables
The consultant shall be responsible for:
  1. Development of the study protocol including data collection tools
  2. Data analysis and interpretation
  3. Statistical comparisons of baseline and post intervention findings.
  4. Statistical comparisons of maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition service utilization data between intervention (Abakore, Biyamathow and Diff) and control (Argane, Burder and Kulaaley) health facilities.
  5. Preparation and submission of draft output files.
  6. Submission of draft data analysis outputs.
  7. Preparation of and submission of MS power-point presentation on survey methodology, key findings, interpretation, conclusions and recommendations.
  8. Submission of draft end-line survey report for review and comments by Save the Children International.
  9. Revision of draft end-line survey report based on Save the Children International reviews and comments.
  10. Submission of final end-line survey report in 2 hard copies and 2 soft copies.
 Support to be provided by Save theChildren
Save the Children will provide the following support towards the successful execution of this end-line survey:
  1. The Bulgari project baseline survey report
  2. Hire data enumerators and data entry clerks
  3. Provide survey logistics
  4. Consultant’s daily rate
  5. Avail documents relevant to the project context that the consultant might require
The end-line survey will be executed in February 2013, ahead of the general elections due on 4th March 2013.
Conditions of Work
The exercise will be coordinated from Save the Children field office in Wajir South. Save the Children will facilitate the consultant’s travel from Nairobi to the field office and survey areas.  

Save the Children will as well provide administrative, logistics, accommodation, meals and security-related support to ensure smooth implementation of the survey exercise. 

The consultant will be required to abide by the organization’s security procedures as well as other applicable rules and regulations, including the code of conduct. 

Technical Supervision of the consultant will be provided by the Health and HIV/AIDS Advisor and the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Advisor.
Consultant’s Profile
  • Master’s degree in public health, statistics, biostatistics, Health Systems Management or equivalent.
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting similar work for international non-governmental organizations, especially in the field of MNCH and nutrition or community health programmes.
  • Demonstrated familiarity with and expertise on the Community Health Strategy
  • Knowledge of and experience in arid, semi-arid and pastoralist environments.
Expression of Interest
All interested consultants/firms are requested to write an expression of interest by:
  • Explaining their competences to meet the requirements of the assignment.
  • Explain in details the methodology to be used in carrying out the assignment.
  • Provide a detailed professional budget in Kenya Shillings (indicate daily professional rates)
  • Provide tentative work-plan and duration of the assignment and when ready to undertake the assignment.
  • Provide evidence of similar work undertaken in the recent past (not more than 3 years)
How to Apply
Please send your application by email to: Kenya.jobapplications@savethechildren.orgwith a copy to jack.onyando@savethechildren.org
Please indicate ‘BULGARI PROJECT END-LINE SURVEY’ as the subject heading.
Application deadline: Thursday 17th January 2013, by 5.00pm.
Any canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

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