National Individual Consultant
Consultancy to Undertake a Capacity Assessment and Stakeholders Mapping

Background and Rationale

The objectives of Kenya development blueprint- Kenya Vision 2030 include: reducing effects of  desertification and disasters; intensifying research on the impacts of climate change and developing  appropriate policy responses for geographical zones; promoting adaptation activities in high risk disaster zones, and undertaking measures to include climate change into development planning. 

Furthermore, in 2011, Kenya produced a medium term plan aimed at ending drought emergencies that targets five components including: Sustainable livelihoods in context of climate change; climate proofed infrastructure; building human capital; peace and human security and quality humanitarian relief during emergencies.

Output 2 of the Host Communities project aims at building and strengthening institutions that manage and coordinate disaster risk reduction and recovery at all levels. 

The objective is therefore improved disaster management including better preparedness, mitigation as well as information and knowledge management. 

This will be achieved through capacity building of local institutions and communities, enhancing early warning and preparedness mechanisms, strengthening information and knowledge in disaster risk reduction and climate change as well as disseminating best practices.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) defines capacity development as: “The process through which individuals, organizations and societies obtain, strengthen and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time.”

Five steps have been identified to develop capacity in practice:
1. Engage stakeholders in capacity development: Local participation is essential – who has the necessary resources, expertise and influence (stakeholders mapping)?
2. Assess capacity assets and needs: who needs what and why.
3. Formulate a capacity development response: whoever took part in the original assessment should be actively involved
4. Implement a capacity development response
5. Evaluate capacity development.
The service provider will align its work to the above steps
Application Procedure
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their application which should include the following:
1. Detailed Curriculum Vitae
2. UNDP Personal History Form (P11) ( template provided)
3. Proposal for implementing the assignment (template provided)
Please quote “Capacity Assessment and Stakeholders Mapping - DRR” on the subject line.
Applications should be emailed to to reach us not later than Friday, 10 August 2012 at 4.30 p.m Kenya Time.
Please see the Terms of Reference, the P11 form, the Individual Contract Proposal form and the Terms and Conditions of Individual Contracts under by visiting the UNDP Kenya Website:

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