Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) to Conduct a Baseline Survey of County Policies, Plans, Budgets and Legislation in Light of Climate Change in Kajiado County
Background and Introduction: Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is a development organization that has been operating in Kenya since 1984. 

The organization has 3 key areas of work, namely; Climate Justice (both Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation); Gender Justice (Women in Governance and Gender Based Violence); as well as Livelihood & Trade. 

Since 2007, NCA has been working with a movement of young people called the Kenya Youth Climate Network (KYCN) in advocacy issues, particularly on matters related to Climate Change.
In May 2014, NCA received a grant from Act Change Transform (ACT!) under the Changieni Rasili Mali (CRM) facility to implement a one year programme on mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation policies in Kenya’s devolved structures.

About the Project: The project will mainstream Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) policies within the County governance systems through youth led action and advocacy (Act-Vocacy) interventions in awareness raising, capacity building, lobbying and advocacy for policy interventions in 3 counties - Kajiado, Lamu & Tana-River. 

The goal of the project is to enhance the capacity of youth and county government to adapt to the negative impacts of climate change. 

This will be achieved through mobilizing and building the capacity of a total of 2,375 youth to respond to the negative impacts of climate change; disseminate the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) for adoption by county government; and promote youth-led climate adaptation measures.

Purpose and Scope of the Baseline Survey
In order to effectively and efficiently carry out policy and advocacy, the project will establish a baseline in terms of county policies with a view of establishing the current status; the processes involved; the key stakeholders; and how climate change adaptation and youth issues have been mainstreamed. 

The purpose of the baseline survey is to determine the current status of Counties in terms of policies, plans, budgets, and legislations in light of climate change and youth.

The survey should also determine the processes, including timelines of developing the County development plans, budgets, policies, legislations; and the key stakeholders involved. 

Particular attention should be given to the county policy status on mainstreaming the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP), as well as the extent to which the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) gives attention to Climate Change matters.

The baseline survey should cover the following specific areas:
1. Establish the current status of County Government in development, approval and implementation of County policies, plans, budgets and legislations in light of climate change and youth
2. Identify the gaps, challenges and opportunities for mainstreaming climate change (particularly the NCCAP) and youth issues into the County policies, County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP), budgets and legislations
3. Determine the processes and key stakeholders involved in the development of the county policies, plans, budgets and legislation including the timelines/cycles; and identify the opportunities/entry points where youth can influence the processes at different levels from Ward to County
4. Assess the current strategies developed by this project including the advocacy action plan on how to effectively address the gaps and opportunities identified and give recommendations

NCA is seeking the services of an expert (either a qualified individual or a consulting firm) to conduct a baseline survey of county policies in light of climate change and youth issues.

The Expression of Interest (EOI) should indicate the following;
  • A brief description of your understanding of the TORs
  • The proposed methodology of carrying out the survey
  • The amount of time that it will take to prepare and submit the baseline survey
  • Cost of consultancy (fee) that will be paid to the consulting firm/person
  • Qualifications of the individual or technical team that will carry out the survey
Procedure for Application
Qualified individuals or consulting firm should submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) on or before Close of Business (COB) Wednesday 13th August 2014. 

The EOI should be submitted to Wasye Musyoni on and copied to Benson Ireri on

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